Thursday, 10 March 2011

Baby steps

This is my first blog so I am taking baby steps at the moment as I try to work out just what to do. So far the hardest thing has been to select a title and an address that hasn't already been chosen but at last I have had success and you can see why when you see the address name.

My next challenge is what to write, oh well I guess it will start flowing once I am up and running.


  1. I had the same problem. And then once I'd decided on a title I spent ages designing the page - choosing a background, font sizes, colours ... Writing the posts ending up being the easy part!

    Good start! Can't wait to see what you think of the training!

  2. Good luck with it. Finding time to do it all is a bit of a problem but interesting stuff when you get into it

  3. Baby steps are a great idea. Isn't this the advise for new challenges, one small step at a time and before you know it you have overcome the challenge and ready to face the next.
