Thursday, 7 April 2011

RSS Aggregators/ feeds

I've always wondered what the rss feeds icon meant. Well now I have a good idea. I do think that we would find it hard to find enough time in our busy lives time to look at these feeds daily even if the news was coming to us instead of us having to look for it.

I chose to include a couple of newspapers, a blog or two and a financial feed. And of course the suggested library link and the training Learning 2.0 feed. No doubt as I get more familiar with all of these new techniques and am able to employ them on a daily basis it should become second nature. Hopefully anyway!


  1. I have to agree time is a big issue and even with the news coming to me, rather than having to go looking for it, I'll struggle to keep up with my RSS feeds. In that way am I invite more than I can accommodate, so to speak?

  2. Is that you Faith? I love the set up with the wallpaper/Monetise/templatedesign/background/page-design or whatever they call it on this site!!! I get so confused with all the different words and terminology for everything!! Anyway, good luck with the rest of the course..

  3. The background is fabulous, isn't it?

    I think the benefit of this course is we get to try a whole range of technologies that are currently available. From there we can choose what we would like to continue using in our personal lives and work towards introducing to the library service.

  4. I agree that it seems an unattainable goal to read the huge volume of information circulating, but that is what I like about RSS feeds as you have the ability to chose what information and news your require and feed it into your web account, the latest at your fingertips.
